As I approach the subject of detoxification, I just want to be clear that you should always be working with a doctor or trusted health professional when attempting to cleanse the body of toxins and metals. The process of releasing these toxins from your body needs to be a slow and careful undertaking, because they need to find a safe and harmless route out of the body.
That being said, Cleansing is something that we have done for thousands of years. Cleansing was a part of many ancient spiritual practices and today it is a much-needed shedding of the toxic burden we are all carrying. This can definitely manifest into an overall emotional and physical lightening of the load.
It is a good idea to notice how long it has been since you truly felt good. It is ideal to work slowly to come back into a state of wellbeing. Just as there is a path to wellness, there was a path to disease, and it most likely was long and complicated. Granting yourself enough time and patience will give the whole process an easier and more gentle flow.
So, why do we need to clear out the vessel of the body periodically? What are we detoxing from, and how do we know when it's time? Let's dive in.
Every day when we walk out the door (and even before that really), we are bombarded with many different types of toxins. The following are in our air, our water, our soil, our food, and all the products we think we need...
- Heavy Metals (Aluminum, Lead, Iron, Mercury, Arsenic and Cadmium)
- Pesticides and Herbicides (Glyphosate is a BIG problem)
- Mold, mycotoxins
- PFAS (forever chemicals)
- Microplastics
- Phthalates, BPA
- GMO Food, Processed Food
- Alcohol
- Preservatives
- MSG and other forms of glutamate
- Artificial Sweeteners, Artificial Colors, Food Dyes
- Fluoride
- Biosolids (Toxic sludge)
- Medicines, Vaccines (harmful ingredients)
- Household chemicals
- Skincare products
- Internal toxins (Includes internal infections, dysbiosis, harmful thought patterns and more)
- And many other disruptive chemicals.
The body is actually designed to easily filter many of these toxins throughout the day and move them out of the system to sustain homeostasis. Homeostasis is the body's self-regulated process of maintaining internal stability and essentially balance. Unfortunately, with so many different harmful things in our environment, there comes a point where the cup overfloweth, and not in a good way.
- Brain Fog/ memory loss
- Headaches
- Depression/ anxiety/ fluctuating moods
- Alzheimer's/ Dementia
- Digestive Issues/ bloating, IBS, constipation, diarrhea
- Hypertension
- Skin issues/ rashes, eczema, acne, itchy skin
- Chronic infections
- Diabetes/ insulin resistance
- Aches and pains
- Gallbladder issues
- Insomnia, sleep disturbances
- Respiratory issues
- Fatty liver
- Chronic Kidney Disease
- Obesity, weight loss resistance
- Increased uric acid, liver enzymes, iron, ferritin, CRP, or insulin
- Hormone Imbalances
- Inflammation, Cytokine storms, autoimmune conditions
- Infertility, miscarriages
This list really hits home the complexity of the body and how everything is connected, right?
Now let's talk about the ways that toxins leave the body. They are known as detox pathways.
The important organs and systems to think about during detox are your...
- Liver
- Lymphatic System
- Kidneys
- Skin
- Colon
- Lungs
You want to support these systems and organs prior to doing any sort of "serious cleanse". When everything is filtering and flowing out of the body well, the toxins shouldn't stay in your bloodstream and cause even more issues. Sometimes we get super motivated to make a change in our health status, doing many things all at once that will help to detox the body, only to start feeling terrible. This is because the toxins are being released from your cells too quickly, or that they aren't able to leave your system. This is when many people just give up!
But you are much smarter than that! You are going to take this slow and easy!
The first thing to think about in this process is the avoidance of toxins in general. This is an overall step one lifestyle shift that helps you to avoid toxins going into your system as a rule. Our body is great at regenerating itself, and if we make sure it gets what it needs and isn't burdened with what is toxic, the muddy waters start to run clear naturally. Sidenote: If you want help discerning what is toxic and what is not, I do provide "Pantry Overhaul" sessions, where we go through what is working, and what may not be working in your favor. It can be a very deep dive into all aspects of your life that is also helpful and incredibly rewarding. Or it can be a quick process of yes and no answers!
Things to take into account to limit initial exposure are...
Eating Organic and Non-GMO foods. (Organic foods are Non-GMO- see other articles to find out why)
Drinking plenty of pure water. There is an app called "Drink Water Reminder" that you can put on your phone. It calculates how much water you should need, and reminds you to drink, and you can track your intake if you would like to.
Filter Your water. This AquaTru Unit works great and goes right on your countertop. The Carafe is glass, which cuts out more plastic exposure!
Avoiding chemicals in your home. There are many more natural ways to clean ourselves and our homes that aren't harmful. Here are some resources for more info on toxic products: Environmental Working Group and Made Safe.
Limit use of plastics, coated cookware and aluminum.
Use an air filter in your home. Air Doctor is a great brand.
Limiting exposure is just the first layer of detoxifying your body. It seems pretty simple, right? This step alone (which is a series of steps of course), will in and of itself bring better health and wellbeing to your body.
Stay tuned for more on detoxing, as I continue to tackle this rather complex subject. There will be many articles to come. This is probably one of the most important things I want to write about, as the toxic burden is probably the main reason why we see such an increase in disease. Detoxifying can also be a complete shift of consciousness when you clear the vessel of the things that were blurring the awareness, fogging the brain and calcifying the important glands that allow us to see what is beyond. (ie: the Pineal gland) And there are a multitude of ways...many, many layers. And all of our bodies (and psyches) are all so different, so the journey is always unique!