What is QHHT?
QHHT is Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique. This is a form of hypnosis, developed by Dolores Cannon to safely reach a deep trance state (Theta brain wave frequency), accessing past lives and the higher mind to ask questions. QHHT also takes advantage of this Theta state to conduct any physical healing that is appropriate, offering great value to this opportunity.

Who is Dolores Cannon?
Dolores Cannon (1931-2014), was a hypnotherapist and a pioneer in the field of Past Life Regression. Her work, from the 1960s until her death in 2014, specialized in the recovery of "lost knowledge". She wrote 17 books which have been translated into 20 languages, traveled extensively to conduct sessions and eventually taught her successful technique all over the world to over 100,000 students.
Why should I consider a QHHT session?
QHHT can help with a myriad of issues, mental, emotional and physical. Past life regression on its own tends to connect the dots of your true Soul's desires. Add in a direct connection to your higher self, and a level of clarity and peace is very common. These sessions will provide a beautiful peek into your true multidimensional nature, changing your perspective on what is possible with your current reality. People are never guided to this by mistake. If you are here reading this, it is most likely that your guides have led you here for important information that can only be accessed when the conscious mind is "out of the way" for a moment. This is an incredible opportunity for your higher self to heal your physical body, supported by accessing the theta state. The theta brain wave frequency is associated with self-healing and creation.

How is QHHT different from typical hypnosis?
Typical hypnosis sessions tend to work with the alpha brain wave frequency range, a light state of trance, and focus on a single theme or "issue". QHHT works at a deeper level, called the Theta brain wave frequency range. This is a frequency range attained during meditation, right before sleep and as you awaken. It is a deeper level of relaxation. Theta state is associated with intuitive insight, dreaming, creation and self-healing. The somnambulistic level of trance is also attainable through QHHT, a level where you are deeply engrossed in the experience of another dimension, fully feeling it all, and do not remember what happened afterward (this is where the recording comes in very handy). This process is very desirable to obtain inter-dimensional information important to your growth. And due to the length of a QHHT session, we are able to focus on more than one theme, answering many questions, leading to deeper understanding.

How long does a typical QHHT session last?
3-5 hours. The actual time that you are "under" hypnosis is no longer than 2 hours. The rest of the time is spent in preparation, building a trustful bond, the relaxing induction process and integrating the experience afterwards.

How much does it cost?
Typically $470. I do run specials at times, and locals in Idyllwild are $400 (about 15% off). I sometimes accept trade when it makes sense. We can also break it up into two payments, one due when the session is booked (non-refundable), the other due when we have the session. I also accept donations for session giveaways, which are announced online and arranged via random drawings.

Are sessions recorded?
Yes, every session is recorded, and you will get a copy of this recording via e-mail, unless otherwise worked out with me (transcription available at extra charge, or flash drive). I normally send your recording a week later, because it is a fun thing to journal right after the session, and then listen to the recording a week later...comparing the notes. You will be surprised at what we will change or quickly block out of our memory after a session! This is why I say it is imperative to listen to the actual session. Many, many times, the higher self will express that the person does not want to see something, or that they are going to need to listen to the recording to fully gain awareness of something. I had a session where the higher self said, "she doesn't want to hear this...but...". And it was very true. But the information was crucial to her growth.

How many sessions are necessary?
It is normally the case, that each session is so profound, only one is needed. But of course, we can do it as many times as you like! Typically, people may like to have one a year, checking in on progress and asking different questions. Those with a great capacity to call in extra-dimensional energies to ask more universal questions (channeling) are welcome as often as they like, to share such information with the masses.

Where are you located?
We are located in the Quantum Healing Center at 54445 North Circle Dr, Unit D, in the magical mountain town of Idyllwild, California, USA.

Do you travel for sessions?
I do travel for sessions! I will travel to several locations in California, Arizona, New Mexico, Oregon, Nevada and Idaho. I will entertain other areas, if enough sessions are scheduled for it to make sense. (If multiple sessions are required, it should be noted that I have a maximum of 3 sessions a day. Two is preferred to respect my energy levels). Any travel arrangements will require a non-refundable deposit. 

Can everyone be hypnotized?
Everyone is capable of attaining a trance state, in fact, we do this naturally several times a day! Watching television, relaxing before and after sleep, meditating, driving and other times where you are focused, relaxed or in a creative space are all associated with light hypnotic trance. Some clients go deeper than others. I've experienced sessions with clients that could barely relinquish control of the mind or relax enough to get into a deep trance, and those who are somnambulistic (completely in an alternate reality, not remembering a thing afterwards...about 3% of the population is somnambulistic). Most clients are right in the middle, where they are able to let the subconscious mind come right through and answer the questions, but also are conscious of what is happening. At times, clients may feel like they are not "under" enough, but typically this is just because they had an expectation of being more somnambulistic (As this is the Hollywood depiction of hypnosis). Most clients are aware of what is going on, but the information is flowing from the divine, through their system easily. This is a great space to be in, as you gain conscious awareness of what has happened at the same time that you are in a complementary brain wave frequency to actually heal the body yourself. Many clients report a sense of beautiful content peacefulness during and after the session.

Is hypnotic trance scary or unsafe? Am I in control of my mind?
Dolores Cannon has crafted this particular induction method through decades of research and thousands of sessions, to make sure that it is truly safe and effective. All practitioners are trained in a way that informs them of the reasons why each portion of the induction is safer than a basic induction, and why it is important to stick with what they are trained to do. This is the reason why practitioners of QHHT are not allowed to conduct sessions online. There are a lot of nuanced changes in one's field as they go through this process, and we need to be able to monitor your body in a responsible way, without the interference of technology fluctuations. Mind control is a very real concern these days, that being said, no one can control your thoughts unless you allow it. Anything your higher mind deems unacceptable will be rejected, so you actually have a built-in layer of protection. The presence that comes through consistently in these sessions is divine unconditional love. Every single time.

Do I have to believe in reincarnation?
Absolutely not. Either way, your subconscious mind/ higher self/ higher mind/ guides...etc will tell you a story and give you information that is helpful to your journey. It doesn't matter what we call it, or our depth of understanding of it, that divine presence just is, and it wants to help.

What is a higher self?
This can be an issue of beliefs and semantics at times, but it I like the description I saw recently from Aja Dashuur, as the Higher Self being the "energetic voice of your success". This voice is a pure and healed version of your soul, which knows your triumphs and tribulations, your strengths and your struggles- over all time and space. Integrating this version of you, is a transformational and profound way to move into a more authentic and aligned timeline. The higher self speaks with love, and wants only your highest and best good. During a session, we connect with this energy, and it is typical for that connection to continue long after the session. You will know this is the case, when you are able to ask questions and receive answers quickly that are aligned with your higher purpose and needs.

Can I bring my spouse/ friend/ family member/ child/ dog/ neighbor to the session to support me.
This is a firm no. The possibility of interruption, discomfort and the need for a container of confidentiality are the main concerns here, so we ask that you just bring yourself. The session will be recorded if you feel the need to share.

Is there an age restriction for this type of hypnosis? Can you help my child with quantum healing?
I do not work directly on children, and one must be 18 years of age, or at least 16 (with parental permission) to have a session conducted by me. There is another option for people who want their children to benefit from quantum healing hypnosis, and that is acting as a surrogate. We can conduct a session with the parent, and tap into the child's energy field to ask questions and induce healing if it is appropriate.

Can I receive a QHHT session online?
Simply, the answer is no. This particular type of trance demands a monitoring of the physical body throughout the process, and the possibility of technology fluctuations is very real, and undesirable. Dolores Cannon was also very much against doing this type of work through technology such as FaceTime, Skype or Zoom, and I respect this boundary...having respect for her life's work.

Can QHHT help me to quit smoking, lose weight...etc, etc?
Quantum healing hypnosis, although not created for these purposes, can definitely help to process the roots behind these issues and the healing of those roots, leading to ultimately better habits.

Is there a limit to the amount of questions I can ask?
I don't typically limit the amount of questions one can ask, and I find that my clients will intuitively only think of the questions that they will have time for in a session. We will also go over these questions in the interview process, so can combine questions often, asking about general curiosities, or what's important to know. If you do find that you have pages and pages of questions, a revision would be appreciated, as we will have no more than 2 hours "under", part of which will be Past Life Regression and Body Scan. At times...some questions will be answered in that period as well.

What kind of questions should I ask?
Prior to your QHHT session, you will be asked to formulate a list of questions. This list can be divided into two or three parts.
1) Basic questions about your life.
ex: What is my purpose?
What is important about my karmic connection to (Significant other, family member etc)?
What should I do about (insert current struggles)?
2) Health Questions. These may be asked in a different part of the session, so it's good to have them separated.
ex: Why do I have (insert medical condition)?
How can I heal (insert physical ailment)?
What is this disease teaching me, and may I be complete with this lesson?
3) Universal questions. We can get as far-out as you like! (Have you read Dolores' books?)
ex: Have I been abducted?
Where did I come from?
What happens when you die? What is God?
Click HERE for more examples of questions to ask! (insert link)

How can I prepare for my session?
Aside from preparing your list of questions, on the day before (or days before) your session, it is great to pay attention to your diet and hydration. It is recommended to not drink alcohol the night before, or over-caffeinate the day of the session. On the day of your session, make sure to drink a lot of water. There will be ample time for bathroom breaks, so don't worry about that! The more hydrated and the more clean your diet leading up to the session, the better you will handle the energy shift that occurs during and after hypnosis. Please bring water and a blanket if you have a favorite! Coziness is the theme, and it can be the key to relaxation. It is also a good idea to bring a snack for afterwards. Many times clients will lose track of time and need to rush down the mountain. I recommend going to sit by the creek to let the energy continue to flow, grounding your feet into the land. Eating can be grounding as well, so have a bit of food ready, in case you are unable to go and eat somewhere on the mountain.

What can I expect during a session?
A QHHT session can last from 3-5 hours in duration. It is a great idea to clear your schedule for the day, as you will want to take it easy and integrate the energy shift of your session.
All sessions are recorded, so that you can listen to what happened, in its entirety. Most clients are surprised at what they thought they remembered, versus what actually happened. Messages that come through at this time are very crucial, and I can't stress enough the importance of listening to the recording to gain some insight into your higher evolutionary path. Transcription is available (For an additional fee which is dependent on the length and depth of your session. Usually $80-100) and is great for those who want to have a hard copy and make side notes or highlight certain ideas and messages. I'm looking at you, Virgos.
QHHT sessions are comprised of 5 parts:
1) The Interview. This is where I get to know you! Your history, your struggles and the cast of characters in your life. This enables us to build a trustful bond, and work together for your highest good. This also provides a lot of background for deepening and expanding on your line of questioning during hypnosis.
2) Past Life Regression. Your divine guidance will show you past (sometimes current or future) iterations of yourself at important moments in time. These visions are primarily of situations that have some sort of effect on your current reality. You do not have to believe in reincarnation to experience this process. Essentially, your subconscious mind is telling you a story which will have relevance to your life. You will see this in your mind's eye...just like a dream.
3) Accessing your higher self (or subconscious, higher mind, universal mind, inter-dimensional mind). This is the magical and unique part of QHHT, where you will gain answers and divine guidance, making necessary connections to your true multidimensional nature! Clients describe this part of the session as life-changing. You will sustain a connection to this part of you after the session as well. More on that later.
4) Body Scan. As you are tapped in to the divine energy, your higher self (or whatever energy your higher self calls in) will conduct a scan of your physical body. This is where we will learn about any current concerns, their origins and how to deal with them. When it is appropriate, after the conscious mind has gained awareness of the root causes and lessons associated with each condition, instant healing can occur.
5) De-Briefing. A quick chat to make necessary connections and reveal a-ha moments regarding your session. Also a discussion about what to expect now that this connection has been initiated, and how to support what may happen in the coming days.

Will I remember the session?
Back when Dolores Cannon started her hypnosis career in the 1970s, it was quite normal for her clients to not remember anything that happened in a session, but as time wore on, she began to notice that the consciousness was shifting. These days, most clients are consciously witnessing the energy of the higher mind coming through, and remember about half of the session details, depending on the level of trance. About 3% of the population is truly somnambulistic, being completely in the experience at a deep level and unable to recall what happened during that time.

What can I expect after a session?
Many report feeling a sense of euphoria and peacefulness after a session. It is apparent that the Divine energy coming through can shift your own energy in a positive way. Most of the time, the messages you have received during the session are a long time coming, and there is a relief that awareness has finally landed consciously, so the true healing can occur or begin. It is normal to feel groggy or tired right after the session. It is a good idea to stop and have a bite to eat before driving back down the mountain, to ground your energy (nuts, beans, mushrooms, seeds and root vegetables are good choices, ideally a balanced organic meal or snack which includes fat and protein, especially if sugars are being consumed). A walk by the creek with your feet in the dirt is also a good idea to ground and continue to move energy, weather permitting)
There is a wide spectrum of what is normal after a QHHT session. It is normal to feel very rested and relaxed. It is normal to feel like you can't remember what happened, and also normal to feel like you remember it all (still important to listen to the recording, trust me!). It is common for these memories from your hypnosis session to fade, as quickly as if it was a dream the night before. Again...listen to the recording! You can expect to receive your recording one week after your session. I like to do this because it is always an amazing revelation to hear all the things you did not remember at the time. I encourage journaling right after the session, and then again after or during listening to the recording. It may give additional insight into the things that you intentionally forgot. Many times the higher self will even state that this person will need to listen to their recording, knowing that certain themes may be blocked from the conscious remembering. Very interesting!
Most clients also report a noticeable difference in the connection to their higher self. They can "tune in" easily and even still ask questions, getting quick answers from the universal mind-space. This can last from a few days to indefinitely. It is always my intention that each session brings the client into a lifelong bond with their higher self, integrating more of this self into their daily lives, and eventually embodying it fully.
It is still important to drink a lot of water, as your energy field has shifted, and there may be things to "flush out".

What is the Theta State?
Our physical brains experience 5 frequencies (neural oscillations) of brain waves, which are categorized as follows:
Beta- (between 12.5 to 30 Hz)- Associated with normal waking consciousness. This is what your brain experiences when awake and alert.
Alpha- (8 to 12 Hz)- An awake but relaxed and calm state. This is what your brain experiences when relaxing, watching TV, driving or under light hypnosis. This frequency range is associated with absorbing new information and increasing creativity. (Think about this for a second...when you are watching TV or listening to a podcast, you are as impressionable as you would be in a basic hypnosis session. This is why it is called programming, so lets all be aware of the information we are absorbing and creating with.)
Theta- (3.5 to 10 Hz)- A deep relaxation normally experienced twice a day, right before sleep, and when starting to awaken. This frequency range is seen during meditation, dreaming, deeper hypnosis, prayer and exposure to binaural beats, isotronic tones or shamanic drumming. In the theta state, the body and mind's natural self-healing processes are activated and optimized. This is the space that QHHT works in, and there are endless possibilities!
Delta- (.1 to 3.5 Hz)- The slowest frequency range. These occur in deep restorative sleep, and are dominant in infants up the age of one. Also witnessed in brain injury patients and people with learning disabilities.
Gamma- (30 to 80 Hz)- The fastest frequency range. This is experienced when you are highly alert and what you can call "firing on all cylinders". In addition to memory, learning and information processing, this range is also related to expanded consciousness and spiritual emergence.

What is Quantum Healing?
Quantum Physics says mind and matter are so entangled, that they are impossible to separate. Scientists continue to find more and more evidence that everything in the universe is profoundly connected, and that our minds can influence outcomes directly (observer effect). Our essential nature is as a formless being (soul spirit) and the essential nature of our body is formless. The resonation of the particles in the matter of our body creates what is perceived as our form. The formless being of the cosmos is cosmic consciousness. According to quantum physics, particles are influenced by our attention, and can also move unpredictably, and disappear entirely. You can visualize this as a formless void (a field of infinite possibility, of spontaneous creativity), and that your consciousness is creating from that void, telling each particle where and when and how to resonate to perceive it. If you can learn to shift your consciousness, you can shift your biology.

What are some examples of questions to ask?
What is the right path? Am I on the right path?
What should I focus on right now?
My true purpose?
What have I come here to learn in this reality?
Who is here to help me, and how do I call in that assistance?
How can I tap into, or grow and expand my gifts?
What are my gifts?
Who are my guides?
How can I heal my past wounds and hurts to move on?
What traumas are important to heal? How have they impacted my current reality?
What is the purpose of my struggles? What to learn?
What about the block of time I lost back in 1997? (oddly specific)
Current or past important or mysterious events in your life?
Have I been abducted?
Karmic connections and their purpose?
Questions about love, and what you may be learning, and why? Whyyyyyy?!
Questions about your parents or family history. Why did I choose my (mother, father, brother, sister...etc)
Why can't I get past (insert trauma)?
Should I quit my job?
Who is my soulmate? Where is my soulmate? When is my soulmate coming (they usually don't answer this one, but we can always try!)
How can I cultivate more peace and harmony in my life?
When I booked this session, what were the main ideas that needed to come across? What is the importance of this session?
What do you wish I would have asked in this session?
Health concerns...anything! Why, how and when these things happened and how we can heal them? Sometimes this is immediate!
Connect with your child's or other relative's guides when it is appropriate.
Connect with the energy of a crossed over loved-one, if they are around.
AND MUCH MORE...really, you can ask ANYTHING!

Cancellation Policy?
Divine timing is always at work in the planning of this type of work. There are many times that a shift of consciousness or new realization/ understanding occurs between the cancelled appointment and the new appointment. So this is why I will never punish someone for having to reschedule. I only ask that if you are rescheduling, tune in and ask yourself if you are making the decision out of fear or apprehension, and then evaluate further. If you feel you may have an entity or attachment, it can be common to feel anxious, and this is normal. This is also not always the case. I am available to field any further questions you may have, and to provide more comfort if necessary. Please also provide at the very least 24 hours notice when rescheduling, as there are times I will have other people wanting to take that time slot.