Functional Nutrition


When you think of the word, "health"...what comes to mind? Are there visions of baskets full of healthy vegetables, images of thin women bouncing around in leotards, strong men lifting weights? Or do you think of medications and doctor visits? We are all so different...our perceptions of what is healthy for our own bodies and our experiences thus far...are so varied. And we are conditioned by many sources to believe that we aren't healthy unless we look a certain way, which is supposed to feel a certain way. Most of the time I would say that we have no idea how good we can feel. Stepping outside of that box can be an incredibly liberating experience!  It is so important to truly get in touch with what health means for you when starting on a journey to feeling better. Losing weight or getting stronger can be goal number one for many, but there are so many other ways in which we can manifest feeling healthier. Do you want to get up in the morning and feel truly rested and robust? Do you want to walk up a flight of stairs without getting winded? Do you want that mysterious rash to just go away already? Do you simply need the mental clarity to even know what you really want?

Functional Nutrition works with three tenets in mind.

Every body is different

Everything is connected

All things matter

    Divine integration uses these core tenets along with a compassionate understanding of how mind affects body to create a gentle yet effective health plan.

     We start by looking at your entire history from different angles, to get a full picture what is going on currently with your system. What is working, and what is not working? Every aspect of your life will become relevant in this search for what has brought you to this current state of being. We then formulate a plan to clear out what is not needed, and slowly add back in what is necessary to create a better state of health.

     This process can go as slowly or as quickly as your motivation allows. When starting on your path to a healthier state, it is important to recognize how long it has taken to get to the state you are in. Our daily choices are each a step towards or away from feeling better. And our mindset is integral to the entire picture.