Coming slowly into spring, and out the comfort food-filled sedentary days of winter, it's a great time to start thinking of a yearly detoxification. This can be a time of intentionally starting to shed the heaviness of the colder months, emotionally and physically. There are a lot of herbs that can be helpful on this path.

Disclaimer time! I'm not a doctor, so this is not medical advice. When using herbs, you will want to check with your trusted medical professional, herbalist, doctor, etc. I highly recommend that this is a person that encourages you to trust your own perception and intuition regarding what your body needs, someone who listens carefully and helps you track what works and what doesn't. I am a certified functional nutrition counselor with a background in using herbs often, but I am not "certified" in herbalism and I am speaking from personal experience.
There are several ways to use herbs, such as through a tea, tincture, encapsulation, etc. Many are even good to apply topically in a balm or serum, but for detoxification purposes, we are generally thinking about internal use. What is best will depend on the effects desired, and what you can tolerate. I usually prefer to use herbs as a tea because it feels like more of a communion with the essence of the plant's medicine as you can also inhale the smell of it and drink it slowly.
It is not a good idea to try too many changes at once and where this idea applies mostly is when taking herbs. You really want to take one new herb at a time, so you become familiar with how each herb can make your body feel. Ask yourself, "How does this herb make my body feel Physically? "How does this herb make my body feel emotionally?" Track how the body and mind feels every day as you take the herb and write it all down.
When you take more than one herb on a healing journey, it's just harder to pinpoint what works for you and what doesn't. In fact, it seems that whenever I find conflicting information about the "trouble" of using herbs for detoxification, it is because someone has used a "detox blend" tea, which incorporates too many herbs all at once.
Some herbs that are known to help with detoxification are...
- Cleavers (Lymph support and kidney support)
- Cilantro (Binds to metals)
- Parsley (Kidney support)
- Nettle (Liver and skin support, anti-inflammatory)
- Dandelion Root (Liver and Kidney Support)
- Ginger (Gastrointestinal benefits, anti-inflammatory)
- Cardamom (Lung Support, Anti-inflammatory)
- Turmeric (Works best with pepper and it is anti-inflammatory)
- Burdock Root (Kidney support, Lymph Support, Blood Purifier)
- Indian Sarsaparilla Root (Blood purifier, Kidney support)
- Juniper Berry (Kidney Support, Antimicrobial, Antifungal)
- Red Clover (Blood Purifier)
- Milk Thistle (Liver Support)
- Blessed Thistle (Liver Suport)
- Calendula (Very supportive of skin, great topically and internally)
- Schisandra (Liver Support)
- Wormwood/ Mugwort (Parasites, mind expanding)
- Bobinsana (Great for encouraging the release of grief)
- Rose (I'm throwing this one in because the experience of drinking this tea is just plain nourishing, and feels like a gift of gentleness to the soul)
So get out there and experiment with herbs to start supporting your body in a new way! Embody the wisdom of your ancestors and the intelligence of your body, using the power of plants!